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Born in 1955 in Roosendaal, The Netherlands, Leo Wesel lived and worked in Ventimiglia, Italy for 20 years before relocating to Nice, France. After studying at the Arts Academy of the Hague, Leo Wesel was trained and inspired by two expressionist artists: professors Wil Bouthoorn and Wim Schutz. The French painter Serge Helenon, the French-Italian artist Bernhard Damiano and, more recently, the Hungarian constructivists Tamas Konok and Estvan Nadler have influenced and stimulated the Leo Wesel’s artwork. His lithography is a mix off these styles and is made in Vac, Hungary. The materials of his sculptures are variable–slate, ceramic or wood mixed with iron from which many are transformed into bronze or aluminum. Leo exposes in several European and American galleries and in European museums and his art is found in private and in museum collections in France, Holland and Hungary.
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